Verify with 10,000,000 BEER to 900,000,000 BEER to the automated contract address below and get between 30,000,000 BEER to 2,700,000,000 BEER sent back to the address you sent from.

You recieve 3x the amount you verify with immediately.
For example, if you send 50,000,000 BEER you get back 150,000,000 BEER to the wallet address you sent from



Waiting for your payment

Still waiting for transaction? Click HERE

Once we receive your transaction, the outgoing transaction is processed to your address.

Every address that is sent too late, gets their BEER immediately sent back.

Counting BEERCOIN (BEER) left...

Transactions for address:687cCpVT1SBLrKD2cSTpgxLpYJ66UxDmcRKZoXEmWp86

TxHash Age From To Value [TxFee]
78Qd9addb4ab6a83b917... 3 mins ago 3CtU4N46B90924097865... OUT BcuB3c44762c6f79d6b9b... 120000000.01 BEER 0.00042
5E2e9dfdb2ab6a16b910... 4 mins ago 0x3c44762c6f79d6b9b...   IN   4eNKE46B90924097865... 40000000.12 BEER 0.00042
61zw6c5b44fc5a29beb... 5 mins ago LRgHJ46B90924097865... OUT 5r8ANffb3d469cc672e7... 138000000.00 BEER 0.00042
91v1ac85ffe9ec3cb14f... 5 mins ago F673fb3d469cc672e7...   IN   DE2xL46B90924097865... 46000000.5 BEER 0.00042
GANy29654c9491c57c... 6 mins ago 8Yrw346B90924097865... OUT CBfUU86B909517538658e... 105000000.29 BEER 0.00042
J9apd04a374721b3c87f... 6 mins ago 6vWr1eee1ec1ebfca72ba...   IN   FGrak46B90924097865... 35000000.49 BEER 0.00147
HzSib1462c68b707d5... 7 mins ago 3yH46B90924097865... OUT 8om497875225c51d535d... 90000000.13 BEER 0.00042
CdDEwc4aded3f65cdbb9... 8 mins ago 2Lw097875225c51d535d...   IN   9Kty1U4B90924097865... 30000000.54 BEER 0.00042
3512b1462c68b707d5... 9 mins ago 34aY6B90924097865... OUT GgH6bf7a96ceb22614af... 180000000.02 BEER 0.00042
2j5PLHbf034ac20b9f24... 10 mins ago Kbf7a96ceb2261Yw4af...   IN   4JEmoF46B90924097865... 60000000.01 BEER 0.00042